Tokenbox Whitepaper

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Nov. 7, 2017


The paper begins with a brief introduction to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, as well as an overview of the marketplace. It then provides a description of the platform including information on the team, a high-level technical outline, and legal structure. This is followed by details about the platform's token and economic model. The paper concludes with a roadmap, a comparison of Tokenbox with it's competitors, and a statement regarding limitation of liability.



Tokenbox is a unique ecosystem that brings together crypto-currency funds under the management of professional portfolio managers and traders on the one hand and investors on the other. Investors are to be granted access to the best strategies for managing funds on the Crypto market with a high degree of safety in these processes. Portfolio managers and traders, including professional teams, are to receive a ready-made "box" solution for the creation of their own tokenized funds, operating professionally, transparently and within the applicable legal framework. The technical solutions offered by Tokenbox enable the fund management process and its development in an efficient and technologically safe way.