The CryptoPapers team is currently one person working in their free time, so the site is undoubtedly missing many great papers. If you would like to add a paper to the collection head over to our GitHub page and follow the instructions for submitting a pull request.
If you do not want to submit a pull request, but would still like to suggest a paper for inclusion, please tweet @crypto_papers with your recommendation and a link to the paper.
We would also like to hear from you if you spot any bugs, errors, or areas for improvement. Again, please submit a detailed issue report at our GitHub page or shoot a tweet over to @crypto_papers.
The CryptoPapers project fulfils a personal interest and serves as a learning opportunity. I never intended, nor do I expect, to make money off of the venture. That said, webhosting ain't free and I've invested a fair bit of time in tracking down and including the papers in the library. If you enjoy the site and are feeling super generous, please consider contributing a little bit to one of the following addresses: